
Should You Hire Professional Cleaners in NYC Before or After the Holidays?

With the most important holidays quickly approaching, there’s so much that we need to do. Especially if you’re celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve in NYC, you’ll barely have time to sit down and enjoy this period. Yet, that’s partly what’s so magical about this time of the year. We all come together and put in a lot of effort in order to get a big payoff at the end of the year. Cleaning and preparing our homes is one of the most important things we do around the holidays. For those too busy to clean, hiring professionals is a great option. In the spirit of efficiency, let’s discuss whether you should hire professional cleaners in NYC before or after the holidays. 

What Will Your Upcoming Schedule Look Like?

Before you decide whether it’s better to hire professional cleaners before or after the holidays, you need to look at your schedule. Your plans for the next month or two will determine which one of these two options is better for you. Of course, if you live on your own, this will be an easier decision. However, if you have a family or roommates, you’ll need to consult with them as well. Create a timetable where you’ll write down all the chores and obligations that await you to have a clearer outlook of where you’ll be able to squeeze in cleaning. 

A planner that you can use to determine whether to hire professional cleaners before or after the holidays.
Determine whether you should hire professional cleaners before or after the holidays by looking at your schedule.

Find a Reliable Cleaning Company

Before you make any further decisions, make sure that you’ve found reliable professionals that understand your needs and are willing to fulfill them. This way, you’ll not only be at peace with the most critical decision you’ll make regarding this cleaning venture, but you’ll also be able to ask them about anything that you find confusing or unclear. Look for cleaners that are experienced and preferably local so that you’re able to rehire them and rely on them for any future events. 

Pros of Hiring Professional Cleaners Before the Holidays

There are many reasons why hiring professional cleaners before the holidays is an excellent idea.

  • Your home will be holiday ready

Hiring professional cleaners before the holidays will allow you to enjoy a clean and tidy home once the holidays come knocking.

  • It’s a perfect ending to your busy schedule

Having your home cleaned before the holidays can also be cathartic. You’ll feel like you’ve completed and rounded off a certain period of your life. This will make your holidays even more relaxing and rewarding.

  • You’ll stumble upon some forgotten gems

Chances are, you’ll find some old items that you’ve forgotten about when cleaning and decluttering your home. You might find some pieces that you’ll use for holiday decorations. 

Pros of Hiring Professional Cleaners After the Holidays

Nevertheless, there are some significant upsides to hiring cleaners after the holidays. 

  • It’s more practical

Once the holidays are over, you’ve said goodbye to your family and friends that have come to visit, and you’re planning to take the decorations down – this is the perfect time to hire cleaners for a regular cleaning or deep cleaning in New York. Finishing everything at the same time is a convenient and time-saving thing to do.

  • Closure

Seeing how we often reflect on the past year during the holidays, cleaning after them will be a great way to round off the year you’re leaving behind you. In the same manner, you’ll get a new clean slate to create new memories and moments.

  • You’ll get to embrace the holiday mess

We’ve all been there – you clean your home before the holidays and then spend the whole time telling your kids and guests to be careful and not ruin your strenuous efforts. If you leave cleaning for after the holiday messiness, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your time.  

cleaning a home after the holidays
If you hire professionals to clean your home after the holidays, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy yourself during the holidays.

Cleaning Before Your NYC Relocation

As if things weren’t complicated enough with you having to find the perfect time for holiday cleaning, you’re also relocating during this time? Worry not! In the same manner that you’ll hire professional cleaners to take care of their specialty, you should find a moving crew to facilitate the entire process of the upcoming relocation. You could even ask your cleaners for a trustworthy recommendation. 

Declutter Before You Hire Professional Cleaners

Aside from cleaning, you’ll also need to declutter your belongings before your cleaning crew arrives. Especially if your home’s been a bit busy with all the gift wrapping and holiday preparations that have been going on, you need to set some time aside and prep your home for cleaning. The most efficient way to do this is to divide all your belongings into categories. This way, everything will be much easier to handle, pack, and throw out and you’ll be done in no time. 

Go For the Minimalist Approach

Even though we live in a pretty materialistic and consumer-oriented world, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re tired of always having to tidy and declutter your items because you purchase things that you don’t essentially need, you have the power to stop that. According to the Marie Condo technique, you should only hold on to the items that give you joy. Everything else you need to throw away and forget about. Living a more minimalist lifestyle will make cleaning and maintaining your space a breeze. 

Should You DIY?

Of course, if hiring professional cleaners isn’t something that you need right now, you could also DIY this entire project. There are many cleaning techniques that you could implement in your home and have it sparkling in no time. Make sure to start on time and set aside more time than you think you need. Cleaning, especially around the holidays, can get pretty intense and hectic. Another thing that you should take into consideration is sustainability. Be sure to use products and chemicals that are as friendly to the environment as possible. 

DIY cleaning products that you can use to be more eco-friendly.
If you’re DIYing your holiday cleaning, make sure to be sustainable.

Choose the Best of Both Worlds

If you’re still unable to decide whether you should hire professional cleaners before or after the holidays, why not opt for both? The truth is, your home will probably benefit most this way. When the cleaning is finished before the holidays, your home will be sparkling and ready for the holiday decorations and your guests to arrive. Of course, once this is all behind you, your house will be messy and in need of some additional touching up. Contact us today to schedule your cleaning service.

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