
How to Clean Your Stainless Steel Fridge, Sink, and Appliances

Keeping a clean kitchen can seem like an overwhelming task at times, but once you learn how to properly care for your appliances, the task suddenly becomes much easier. Stainless steel appliances may require a bit of extra attention to get rid of all those fingerprints, but with a few simple tricks, you can have them sparkling like new and serving as a beautiful focal point of your kitchen.

Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Stainless Steel

There are a few basic tips you can remember to keep your stainless steel looking its best. First, let’s discuss some things you should do.

Do find a specialty eco-friendly cleaner designed specifically for stainless steel such as Simple Green or ECOS. Since this surface can be so finicky, it’s important to find a cleaning product that will dissolve the grease and protect the surface without stretching your stainless steel. However, note that some stainless steel cleaners are designed for sinks or cookware; you shouldn’t use these cleaners on appliances, since they may be too abrasive.

Another thing you should do is consult your manuals. Particularly if you’re cleaning a stainless steel appliance, checking the manual may tell you what ingredients or cleaners are safe to use to keep your stainless steel looking like new.

There are also a couple of things you should avoid doing when it comes to cleaning your stainless steel. First, don’t use any tough cleaners like steel wool or ammonia. When it comes to stainless steel, the last thing you want to do is scratch or wear down the surface, and that’s exactly what these harsh cleaning methods will do.

Additionally, once you’ve cleaned your stainless steel, don’t let it air dry. While it might seem easy to clean and walk away, letting your stainless steel air dry can cause streaks to form. Instead, use a clean microfiber cloth to gently rub down the surface, and you’ll find that your stainless steel has fewer spots and streaks and is shinier than before.

Getting Rid of Streaks and Fingerprints on Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is infamous for leaving plenty of fingerprints and streaks behind, but luckily, it’s not difficult to get your stainless steel sparkling clean again. As we just noted, using a clean microfiber cloth can help reduce streaks, but there are other ways you can improve the cleaning process as well.

While you’re cleaning, make sure to wipe in the same direction as the metal’s grain. If you are against the grain, not only are you likely to create streaks, but they will be instantly apparent and can be quite difficult to remove.

You also want to make sure that you’re using enough cleaner in the first place. Simply check the package directions to see how much product you should be using. If you don’t use enough cleaner, the greasy film on your stainless steel will not be able to dissolve, leaving those streaks and fingerprints behind.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances

The tips we’ve given so far can apply to virtually any stainless steel surface, whether it’s cookware, sinks, or appliances. However, there are a few special considerations to take when you’re cleaning different appliances throughout your home.


If you have a stainless steel microwave, you might find it hard to keep the inside looking as pristine as the outside. To quickly remove dried-on food and to take care of those pesky odors, simply combine equal parts of vinegar and water, then microwave the solution on high for three minutes. The steam helps to loosen any dried food particles, while the vinegar takes care of the smell.

Kitchen Sinks

Stainless steel sinks are often more receptive to mildly abrasive cleaners, but they may not be as shiny as they once were. On top of that, you might find some stubborn stains that won’t come up just by using elbow grease. Once you’re done cleaning your sink as usual, rinse it out and coat it with an even layer of baking soda. Then, as you scrub the baking soda, it will work to help bring up those stains and leave your sink sparkling again.


Finally, if you have a stainless steel fridge, be cautious when cleaning it for the first time or when trying a new cleaning method. Instead of simply covering your whole appliance in a new cleaner, test your cleaning method or solution on a small section of the fridge first. That way, if your cleaner doesn’t perform the way you want it to, you haven’t wasted your time or ruined your entire appliance.

Homemade Stainless Steel Cleaning Methods

There are plenty of stainless steel cleaners that you can buy at the store, but they can often be expensive or hard to find. If you can’t find the proper cleaner or simply don’t want to run out to the store while you’re deep cleaning your kitchen, there are a few natural homemade methods of cleaning stainless steel that may work for you.

This first method is great because it uses two ingredients that you’re virtually guaranteed to have on hand: dish detergent and water. Simply combine a quart of hot water with a teaspoon of dish detergent and mix. Then, use a microfiber cloth to apply the mixture to your stainless steel surface, rinse, and dry with a clean cloth.

If you happen to have club soda on hand, you can use it to make it convenient spray cleaner. Pour your club soda into a spray bottle and spray it onto your desired surface, then wipe clean with a microfiber cloth. Not only is this method effective at cleaning your stainless steel, but it’s also safe if you have pets or kids in the house.

Finally, once you’re done cleaning your stainless steel, apply a thin coat of mineral oil with a clean microfiber cloth. The mineral oil can help eliminate any fingerprints and leave your stainless steel shining like new.

Work with White Glove Cleaners

While taking care of your stainless steel may require a bit of extra elbow grease, it’s more than worth it to leave your home looking sparkling when you’re done. If you need a bit of extra help maintaining your home or your place is due for a deep cleaning service, consider bringing in the experts at White Glove Cleaners. We are proud to serve residents and businesses throughout Manhattan and New York City to get their spaces in tip-top shape. Contact us today to learn more!

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