
New Year, Clean Slate: Conquer the Clutter with Our 11 Powerful Cleaning Resolutions

If cleaning is not your second nature and you always promise yourself you’ll try to be tidier in the next year – Hey! – the next year is just about to start! So why hide your promise under a pile of clutter until the next year, and then until the next year again? Today is the day to make your New Year’s cleaning resolutions…

You know what? Forget cleaning resolutions, think cleaning habits! That’s the secret sauce to transforming your New Year’s cleaning aspirations into lasting positive change. Sure, a quick declutter spree feels good, but building sustainable habits will keep your home sparkling and serene all year long. So, ditch the pressure of one-and-done cleaning blitzes and embrace these smart tidying practices that fit effortlessly into your busy New York life.

1. Conquer the Clothing Avalanche: Fold and Put Away, Not in Storage Bins!

Laundry. It’s like a never-ending cycle, right? But it doesn’t have to be a stressful mountain that dominates your living room. Instead of letting clean clothes languish in baskets, adopt the “fold and put away immediately” habit. Trust us, that five minutes it takes to return clothes to their proper homes will save you hours of future digging and frustration.

Bonus tip: 

Resist the urge to buy more storage bins for laundry organization! While tempting, they often become clutter magnets themselves.

Instead, curate your wardrobe ruthlessly. Ask yourself: have I worn this in the past year? Does it spark joy (à la Marie Kondo)? If not, donate it (more on that later). Less clothing equals less laundry equals less folding – a winning formula!

2. Banish the “Donation Purgatory”: Embrace the Giving Box!

Don’t let your “maybe-someday” clothes languish in closets, stealing valuable space and contributing to that nagging clutter guilt. Establish a dedicated donation box in a convenient location, and add any item that hasn’t seen the light of day in a year. Clothes, books, unused gadgets – give them a chance to bring joy to someone else, and free up your home for things you truly love.

Bonus tip: 

Partner with a local charity or shelter and make regular donation drop-offs. Not only will you be decluttering with a purpose, but you’ll also experience the warmth of giving back to your community.

3. Make “One In, One Out” Your Rule

Conquer wardrobe clutter and cultivate mindful consumerism with the “one in, one out” mantra. Every time you bring a new item into your closet, let go of something old.

This could be donating clothes you no longer wear, selling them online, or finding creative ways to repurpose them. This habit not only keeps your wardrobe manageable but also encourages you to be more mindful about your purchases, aligning with sustainability and decluttering goals.

Bonus tip: 

Host a clothing swap with friends or neighbors! It’s a fun way to refresh your wardrobe while giving pre-loved clothes a new lease on life.

4. Tame the Kitchen Counter Chaos: Clean-as-You-Go Wins Every Time!

Dishes piling up after dinner? Dirty pots and pans taking over the counters? Don’t wait for a weekend marathon cleaning session. Embrace the “clean-as-you-go” habit for immediate kitchen calm.

Rinse dishes while food cools, wipe down spills as they happen, and store ingredients right after use. Bonus points for delegating tasks – involve family members in this ongoing tidying mission for a shared sense of accomplishment.

Bonus tip: 

Invest in a good dish-drying rack and let your air-drying dishes add a touch of rustic charm to your kitchen. It’s a functional, space-saving, and surprisingly aesthetically pleasing way of dish organization.

5. Embrace the Micro-Cleaning Momentum: 10 Minutes to Sparkling Surfaces!

Forget exhausting, time-consuming cleaning sprees. Instead, incorporate short, 10-minute micro-cleaning bursts into your daily routine.

  • Wipe down the bathroom sink after brushing your teeth
  • Dust electronics while waiting for your coffee to brew
  • Vacuum high-traffic areas during a midday break

These small but impactful actions add up to a significantly cleaner home with minimal effort.

Bonus tip: 

Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes and challenge yourself to tackle a specific cleaning task within that timeframe. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish (and how quickly those 10 minutes turn into 15!)

6. Taming the Paper Beast: One Touch, Zero Clutter

Mail, bills, receipts – the paper clutter can quickly engulf your surfaces. Implement the “one-touch rule” to conquer this chaos. As you handle each piece of paper, decide its fate immediately: recycle, file, or toss. No more temporary piles destined to become permanent fixtures!

Bonus tip: 

Designate a specific spot for incoming mail and deal with it daily. Invest in stylish baskets or organizers to keep things contained while adding a touch of personality to your space.

7. Declutter Digitally: Unsubscribe, Organize, and Breathe Easy!

Our digital lives can become cluttered too! Unsubscribe from unused emails that clog your inbox, and ruthlessly delete old files and downloads. Organize your computer desktop into folders for documents, photos, and applications. A clutter-free digital space translates to a calmer and more productive mind.

Bonus tip: 

Schedule regular digital decluttering sessions, just like you would for your physical space. Set a timer for 15 minutes and tackle one category at a time, like old emails or unused software.

8. Power Up Your Clean with Regular Deep Dives

While regular micro-cleaning keeps things tidy, don’t underestimate the power of a good deep dive! Oven grime, grout gunk, and hidden dust bunnies have a way of multiplying in the shadows, waiting to ambush your freshly maintained surfaces.

Let’s face it, deep cleaning can be a beast of a task. It requires hours of scrubbing, hauling heavy appliances, and wrestling with stubborn stains.

If the mere thought of tackling that stubborn oven grease makes your head spin, remember – you’re not alone! That’s where our expert cleaning professionals come in. We’re equipped with the knowledge, tools, and elbow grease to conquer the deepest grime, leaving your home sparkling from floor to ceiling.

So, skip the backache and let us handle the heavy lifting. Focus on enjoying your newfound spotless sanctuary, knowing every corner shines with pristine brilliance, thanks to the power of a professional deep clean. And hey, with that extra time on your hands, you might even be able to conquer that New Year’s resolution you’ve been putting off!

Bonus Tip: 

Blast grime with nature’s power! Make a citrus peel scrub: Infuse vinegar with orange, grapefruit, or lemon peels for a week, then strain and use it to tackle tough stains and grease. It’s eco-friendly, smells amazing, and conquers dirt without harsh chemicals. Plus, leftover peels make fantastic compost!

9. Upgrade to Eco-Friendly Cleaning and Energy-Saving Tech

Invest in eco-friendly cleaning products made with natural ingredients and biodegradable formulas. This not only benefits your health and the environment but also keeps harsh chemicals out of your home. Combine this with energy-saving cleaning technology like high-efficiency vacuums and smart thermostats that optimize energy consumption. Small changes can make a big difference in your eco-footprint and energy bills!

Bonus tip: 

Ditch the paper towels! Opt for reusable cloths for cleaning spills and surfaces. It’s more sustainable, cost-effective, and adds a touch of rustic charm to your cleaning routine.

Remember, consistency is key. Building these habits into your daily routine may take some practice, but the long-term benefits are undeniable. Enjoy a cleaner, calmer, and more sustainable home in the New Year, knowing you’re making positive changes for yourself and the planet.

10. Embrace DIY, Natural Cleaning Solutions

Skip the harsh chemicals and embrace the power of natural ingredients! Vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can work wonders on a variety of surfaces, leaving your home clean and eco-friendly. Not only will you save money on store-bought products, but you’ll also avoid introducing harmful chemicals into your environment. Plus, creating your own cleaning solutions can be a fun and empowering DIY project.

Bonus Tip: 

Start small! Research natural cleaning recipes for specific tasks, like an all-purpose vinegar spray or a baking soda paste for scrubbing. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference for your health and the planet.

11. Celebrate Your Clean and Calm Oasis: Reward Yourself for Progress!

Finally, remember to celebrate your cleaning victories! Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath after a power hour, or enjoy a cup of coffee in your now-organized kitchen. Positive reinforcement keeps you motivated and makes the cleaning journey more enjoyable.

Bonus tip:

Track your progress with a cleaning checklist or chart. Seeing your accomplishments visually will boost your cleaning motivation and inspire you to keep going.

Remember, creating lasting cleaning habits is a journey, not a destination. Be kind to yourself, celebrate small wins, and enjoy the process of transforming your home into a clean and calm oasis. And if ever the cleaning gets overwhelming, remember that New York cleaning services like ours are always here to lend a helping hand!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in December 2021, and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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