
How to Get Rid of Pet Odor in Your Home

Pets are nothing short of family members, and pet owners will often go to any length to keep their furry friends happy. It’s common to let your pet snuggle with you on the couch or crawl into bed with you at night, but unfortunately, these practices can lead to some unpleasant odors. If your home is losing its fresh scent and starting to smell like a wet dog, there are several approaches you can take to remedy the issue.

Problems with Pet Odors

You and your family may have some “nose blindness” (more technically known as olfactory fatigue) when it comes to your pet’s smells, but guests may find the odors unpleasant. Even if the rest of your home or apartment is clean and smells fresh, pets and their spaces can start to smell fast.

In addition to simply being unpleasant, pet odors can exacerbate conditions like asthma or allergies. Particularly in the frigid New York winters, being inside with your pet all the time can make it tough to breathe properly. If you’re suffering from a cold or seasonal allergies, bad pet smells can make the condition that much tougher to deal with.

If you’re renting your space, it’s especially important to keep pet odors at bay. The next tenant in your space will certainly appreciate a neutral-smelling home or apartment when they move in! Plus, keeping your rented space free of pet odors ensures that you don’t lose out on your deposit when you vacate.

How to Eliminate Pet Odors in Your Home

First, regularly vacuum your carpets and cloth furniture to get rid of pet hair and dander. This task is particularly important if your pet sheds a lot. Don’t forget to tackle hidden spaces like underneath and behind couches, in the corners of rooms, and, really, anywhere your pet likes to hang out. Vacuuming is a key step in getting rid of pet odors; if you skip this step, you’ll mainly be masking those unpleasant smells instead of eliminating them.

You probably wash your own bedding regularly, but what about your pet’s? Wash your pet’s bed, pillows, and blankets regularly, along with any sheets or cloth coverings on the furniture your pet frequents. Before you toss everything in the washing machine, check the labels on pet beds and cushions to make sure they’re laundry-safe. Between washings, you can sprinkle baking soda on your pet’s bed to eliminate odors. Vacuum it away after letting it sit for a few minutes.

Vinegar diluted with water can help rid your space of pet odors as well. You can use this simple cleaning solution to take care of your pet’s toys, food and water bowls, collars, and accessories. Otherwise, simply put your vinegar/water mixture into a spray bottle and spritz your carpets or floors for instant odor neutralization.

Your pet will inevitably have an accident inside at some point, especially if you have a young pet or are in the midst of housebreaking. When accidents happen, tend to them as quickly as possible. Soak up as much moisture as you can with paper towels or newspaper. If you’re trying to clean carpet, you can sprinkle baking soda onto the affected area and let it sit overnight. In the morning, simply vacuum the baking soda away, taking the odors with it.

bathing dog

How to Keep Your Pet Smelling Great

The easiest way to make sure your pet smells good? Give your pet regular baths and brushes to reduce shedding and odors. Not all pets enjoy baths, but they’re important for your furry friend’s health as well as for your nose. If you can’t (or don’t want to!) bathe your pet yourself, consider booking a standing appointment with a groomer. Between baths, you can use pet-safe wipes to keep your furry friend smelling fresh, particularly if they get wet.

Brushing your pet’s teeth can keep their mouth healthy and eliminate bad breath. Most pet owners love those puppy kisses, but that puppy breath can be less than ideal. This task can often be done at the groomer if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself. Besides brushing, you can help tackle your pet’s halitosis with specialty breath-freshening treats.

We’ve touched on this briefly, but it’s worth repeating: don’t forget to clean your pet’s food bowls, collars, leashes, toys, and other accessories. These items get lots of love from your pet, so they can easily build up odor-causing dirt and bacteria. Standard soap and water is usually enough to get your pet’s favorite items ready for use again.

If you’re a cat owner, consider investing in odor-free litter if you don’t already. Scoop the litter box at least once per day, and wash the litter box with soap and water once per week. If you find that the box still smells even after a thorough cleaning, it may be time to replace it altogether.

Small pets like rabbits and gerbils can come with their own unique challenges when it comes to odors. Start by choosing an enclosure with lots of ventilation to prevent odors from getting trapped. Wood shavings or sawdust are both great options for the floor of the enclosure, as they are beloved by pets and are great at absorbing smells. Clean the cage daily, and wash your pet’s toys weekly.

Finally, take your pet to the vet regularly and quickly treat fleas, ticks, or other pests. Not only will your pet be healthier and happier, but you’ll rest easier knowing your furry friend is being taken care of.

Working with White Glove Cleaner

Getting rid of pet odors doesn’t have to be difficult, and it will result in an environment where you and your furry friends are both happier. But keeping your pet and their belongings clean isn’t the only thing to think about when it comes to maintaining a clean space. If you don’t have the time or energy to regularly clean your space, enlist the help of White Glove Cleaner.

White Glove Cleaner has long been one of New York City’s most trusted cleaning companies, providing both residential and commercial services. We serve clients in all five boroughs and offer regular cleaning services on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Additionally, we offer specialty cleaning services such as move-in/move-out cleaning and “green” cleaning. Our team is made of dedicated and passionate professionals who are each individually vetted and background-checked before being hired. You can rest assured knowing your home or apartment is being cared for by the best cleaners in town, using the highest quality cleaners and equipment. Contact the team at White Glove Cleaner today to learn more about all of our services.

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