September 20, 2021
How to Prepare Your House for a Baby
Since you are currently reading this article, we do believe that some congratulations are in order! There is no greater joy than becoming a parent, whether for the first time or third. If you are trying to prepare your house for a baby and are unsure where to begin, then the chances are that this is your first child. In that situation, we would be more than happy to give you a few tips we believe you will appreciate. It doesn’t matter whether you are moving into a new house and getting it baby-ready or trying to transform your current home – with our pieces of advice, success awaits.
Safety is the operative word when trying to prepare your house for a baby
You might still be in your first trimester and thinking that the crawling stage is too far away. Trust us – it isn’t. Any parent will tell you that the pregnancy, and the first six months with your baby, are going to fly by. Soon enough, you will have a curious and crawling baby on your hands, and you will be trying to keep up with their energetic pace. In case you haven’t baby-proofed your house by that point, you are going to see red flags popping up everywhere. That’s why the first thing you ought to do is ensure that your house is safe enough for a baby.

Brace yourself – there are many little things that you will have to do in order to baby-proof your home. However, two areas of any household always seem to be the biggest concern for parents-to-be – the bathroom and the kitchen. Depending on where you keep your cleaning supplies, we advise you to start by placing them on a high surface that your little one can’t reach. Many parents decide to throw away toxic cleaning supplies and turn to natural cleaning recipes with similar effects. It goes without saying that you don’t have to go that far if you aren’t comfortable with that.
Apart from removing your cleaning supplies out of the baby’s reach, you’ll also want to install a baby-safety toilet latch. Of course, the best way to baby-proof the bathroom is by keeping the door closed at all times. However, we think you should predict the unpredictable and install safety latches where necessary. That’s going to be a significant part of preparing your house for a baby.
Declutter every corner of your home
You probably don’t realize how much stuff teeny tiny babies come with until you have one of your own. Apart from the bassinet, the high chair, the changing table, and large diaper packs, your baby is also going to come with bottles, clothes, pacifiers – you name it. Let’s put it this way – your baby’s items are going to take up most of the space you have in your home. That’s why now’s the right time to start decluttering your home in a big way. If you are a mom-to-be, then your hormones might be making you more emotional and sentimental.

If you can’t bear the thought of throwing away all of your items, then we suggest you place them in a storage solution for the time being. But remember – you need to create as much extra space when decluttering as possible so that your baby has enough room when it arrives. And with your belongings safely stored away from your home, you won’t have to decide what to do with them right away.
Get the guest room ready for once the baby arrives
We know that you probably can’t see the connection between a new baby and the guest room. After all, your little one will be staying in a nursery, not the guest room. But everyone needs a bit of help once the baby arrives. So if you are planning to have your mother, father, sister, friend, or a mother-in-law stay with you during those first few days or weeks, then you are going to need a guest room. The good news is that this is the easy part of preparing your house for a baby. All you have to do is to put some clean sheets, stock up on toothpaste, toilet paper, soaps (you get the gist), and you are good to go. It will be one less concern once you get out of the hospital.
Put together a baby basket for downstairs
There is a good chance that you are ready for the fact that babies go through a lot of diapers a day. There is also a good chance that your baby’s nursery will be upstairs along with all of its items. To save yourself the trouble of going up and down the stairs dozens of times a day, we suggest that you prepare a baby basket in advance. Your basket should contain muslin cloths, diapers, wipes, spare baby clothes, cotton wool, and a spare shirt for yourself. One thing is for sure – there will be lots of milk-related accidents in the days to come. It’s best if you are prepared for them.

Prepare your house for a baby by keeping it clean
Make no mistake – deep cleaning your house before the baby comes is a must on your to-do list. Babies are sensitive and tender creatures, and you don’t want to expose them to bacteria and dust too soon. That’s why it is of utmost importance to keep your house in top shape. We understand that you might not have enough energy to clean your home when you are ready to pop. If you have a busy partner who can’t help you prepare your house for a baby, plus you live far away from anyone who might give you a helping hand, you can simply hire maid services in NYC. You pay a small fee, and you get your house sparkly clean – what’s not to like?