September 16, 2020
White Glove Cleaner is in Top 100 Housekeeping blogs
We are thrilled to be ranked on Top 100 Housekeeping blogs among other interesting and well-established blogs! This is an exciting day for our team. Our mission is to help people to live in a clean, beautiful world, and of course, you should always start from your home. In our blog, we are trying to show that cleaning is important. Yes, sometimes it’s a hard process which is why you can use our cleaning services, yet if you are following a few simple steps, you will always enjoy your tidy apartment, house, or office.
Cleaning is also an important ritual of all cultures and religions, a symbol of purification and renewal: as pre-Easter for Christians, Passover for Jews, Eid al-Adha for Muslims, and New Year in Japan, and China. “I cannot boast of any particular spirituality,” says Jane, 48, a forensic scientist from New York, “but what I’m feeling when taking apart cabinets and throwing away unnecessary things, is like a meditation, as I imagine it.”

During the cleaning, we are also cleansing our psyche, putting everything on the shelves in the literal and figurative sense. Our (un) desire to put things in order and cleanliness around us is a manifestation of what is happening inside us. When we tidy up our home, we tidy up our thoughts, weaken tension, calm down, and at the same time… release inspiration. A lot of people are mentioning that, before sitting down to write an article or to design something, they need to carefully lay out all the objects on the writing table or clean the keyboard to a shine. And, for example, the writer Marguerite Duras admitted that she must carefully make the bed before starting to write.
Keep your thought and your home clean. And White Glove Cleaner in NYC will be happy to assist you with that.