November 30, 2018
Holiday Cleaning Tips: Your Ultimate To-do List for Making your Home Holiday-ready
Ready or not, holidays will arrive right on time and maybe even bring some guests… Is your home ready for the challenge? Hosting guests (even if they are just relatives) is exciting yet stressful. You want everybody to feel like a VIP in your home or maybe even impress (why not?) your guests with some special holiday treatment. However, if you anticipate a relaxing and joyful time with family and friends, you need to plan everything right now from A to Z in order to prevent even the smallest mess from ruining your holiday bliss. Check out our holiday cleaning tips and get ready to deal with everything this holiday time throws at you.
Holiday cleaning tips: ideas to add to your holiday to-do list
Decluttering and cleaning
Holiday home cleaning starts with clearing space of unnecessary stuff. Focus on the main spaces your guests and family will spend most of the time (like the entryway, kitchen, bathrooms, guest room, and living room). Don’t try to reach every nook and cranny in your house; your guests won’t inspect them. Just clean the most visible objects like windows, tiles, countertops, fridges, ovens, carpets, and floors. Dust furniture and make sure to clean sofas from pet hair. It would be much faster if you use white cotton gloves, you will cut cleaning time nearly in half. If a thorough holiday home cleaning is bigger than you can bear right now (we understand that all of us have our jobs, children, and commitments), it’s not shameful to hire cleaning services in NYC. Prepping for the holidays mustn’t be too hard, and relying on cleaning services can become your lifehack for surviving the holiday fuss.
Think big
Think of the biggest tasks you need to get tackled before the holidays (and guests) arrive. Small appliance repair, remodeling your guest room, or maybe a carpet cleaning… Write down what you need to get it done and make necessary appointments. There’s no more time to put it off.
Decorate your home wisely
Take out of the attic or buy and arrange your decorations focusing on the entryway, fireplace, and dining table. Set a table in colors that match each other well and add seasonal blooms and scented candles. Make sure your decorations are not only beautiful but also safe and comfortable for your family and guests. If you or your guests have young children, pets, or both, it’s better to limit yourself to modest, safe, and cheap decorations.
Get your fireplace ready to keep everybody warm and cozy
Sitting next to the crackling fire, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and drinking comforting cocktails… what can be better? Prep everything needed for the cozy time by the fire. Don’t have a fireplace? Then let your home soak in warm and quivering candy lights. The more candles the better.
More holiday cleaning tips?
Get ready for a baby-guest
If your guests arrive with a baby, make sure you baby-proof your home by preparing a safe and clean space for the little one. Look at your home with the baby’s eyes and hide every object that can be dangerous for the baby or simply too precious to you. This will prevent many unpleasant situations that can spoil the holidays. If you’re going to have a little crawling guest, be sure that your adult guest will find out how clean your floors are. So if you worry that this part of holiday home cleaning is bigger than you, don’t be shy to get help from professional cleaning services in NYC that will not only make your floors sparkling clean and disinfected but also equip you with some valuable holiday cleaning tips.
Spruce up the guest room
If you want to leave a pleasant impression from staying in your home for the holidays, tidy up the guest room and bathroom but don’t stop there. Take care of stocking guest rooms with everything they may need like extra blankets, pillows, and towels, as well as spare toothbrushes and toiletries. Decorating the room with holiday attributes will make your guests feel special and welcomed.
Think about nightlights
Your guests cannot navigate your home like a ninja in complete darkness as you do, so make sure you add night lights where your guests will need them.
Prepping for the celebration and holiday home cleaning doesn’t require too much cleaning, but rather planning. However, if you want to have a really relaxing time with friends and family, consider using home cleaning services in NYC.
You will find more tips in this article Organizing Tips To Keep Your Home Tidy.
About the author: Khrystyna is a cleaning professional with years of experience. She is a founder of White Glove Cleaner agency and her dream is to make New York a cozier place.