
How easy it is to keep your home clean and tidy: 25 good habits

We have made a selection of useful habits for cleaning the apartment, which does not require a lot of time and effort but will help maintain permanent order in the house. Order in the hallway Entering the house, the first emotions are formed from the situation in the apartment. Whether it will be a pleasant rest after a hard day, or the mess and clutter will make you despondent. Try to follow the tips below to always feel positive about the upcoming vacation when you return home from work or a walk.

Keep your home clean and tidy

1. Find a place for small things

For things like keys or a shoebrush, you need a certain place. You can purchase a basket for such little things. The things you need in the hallway will always be in sight and in a structured order. For keys, you can use special handy hooks or boxes, and shoe cleaning tools can be placed in a basket.

2. Put your hats and gloves in the dresser 

Try to immediately hang your coats in the closet, after returning home, and put gloves and hats in place, rather than leaving them on open surfaces – on the dresser or by the mirror. It is best if there is a separate place for hats and accessories. Put things right away, it won’t take much time, but it will save energy during the morning packing.

hats and gloves in the dresser

3. Store your shoes in a shoe rack or on a shelf

For sneakers and boots, you need space in a shoe rack or on a shelf. If this is not possible, it is worth setting aside space for shoes in the closet. After returning home immediately put boots, sneakers, shoes in their place. Not to spoil the look of the room. 

shoes in a shoe rack

Read also: 12 Weird Cleaning Techniques

Cleaning the kitchen and dining room 

The kitchen and dining room are the most vulnerable to clutter in the apartment. It is very important to keep these rooms clean.

4. Wipe down the dining table and countertop immediately after lunch 

To keep your dining table or worktop shining clean, wash it immediately after lunch or dinner. This will save you from unsanitary conditions, prevent the appearance of bacteria and would create a sort of order, plus, it takes only a couple of minutes.

Wipe down the dining table

5. Put the dishes in the dishwasher or wash the dishes in the sink immediately 

After dinner or lunch, immediately put the dishes in the washer or wash the dishes by hand. It won’t take long, but it will help keep it clean on a regular basis. Plus, washing dishes and cups immediately after use is much easier.

dishes in the dishwasher

Read also: Spring Cleaning: How to put things in order in your life

6. Wipe down your appliances after each use 

An effective way to keep your kitchen tidy is to clean the stove, microwave, refrigerator, and other appliances on time. After you have warmed up food or finished cooking dinner, wipe the microwave oven, hob with a damp cloth. This habit will save you from long hours spent scrubbing away burnt-on dirt.

appliances cleaning

7. Move chairs to the dining table after dinner 

After a family evening, it is very important to clean up the dining area. In addition to cleaning the table, it will not be superfluous to move the chairs closer to the table.

chairs and dining table

8. Put dishes and cups in their places 

After returning from the store, be sure to put the purchased products in their places. There is no need to leave it “for later”. The same rule applies to dishes and cutlery: after washing, do not be too lazy to put plates and cups in cupboards, and spoons and forks in their proper place.

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9. Put the garbage bag in front of the door 

To remember to take out the garbage on time, put the bag near the door. It is advisable to do this in the morning so that before leaving the house you can take the bag and get rid of it. By making this habit a permanent habit, you no longer have to hoard a few bags of trash.

See also: How To Clean The Microwave At Home

Keep Your Cabinet Organized

10. Take the mug to the kitchen right after tea drinking

When working at the computer or watching an exciting movie, we usually take a mug of coffee or tea. And, more often than not, we forget them in the room. This situation can be repeated several times and after a while, the coffee or work table turns into a warehouse of mugs and other utensils. To avoid this situation, take the dishes to the kitchen immediately after eating or drinking tea.

coffee mugs

11. Periodically throw away unnecessary documents, papers, and receipts

Everyone knows the situation when a large number of irrelevant documents or receipts are collected near the work desk or in the hallway. Most of these papers are out of date or have been on shelves or in boxes for over a year. This adds a “clutter” effect to the house. Try to check documents and receipts at least once a month. You should get rid of unnecessary papers and checks. Rent receipts should be kept for 3 years. Then they can be safely thrown away.

pile of papers

12. Organize the storage of documents 

This habit is directly related to the previous one. After the receipts are in order and the unnecessary checks are thrown away, the remaining papers and personal documents should be put in order. Separate work papers from personal ones. Try to keep things organized and avoid confusing different types of documents with each other.

sorted documents

13. Stack your notebooks and planners in one pile 

Dirty glasses, scattered gliders, pens, and notes are making a mess on your desktop. Reminder stickers can be hung on the wall, fixed on the laptop screen. A handy, compact organizer can be purchased for office supplies, while notebooks and planners should be stacked. Small things like headphones or a charger can be put in a drawer or find a separate place for them.

stack of notebooks

Keeping Living Room Cleaning

14. Do not store dried flowers 

Some people say that dried flowers spoil the interior and also bring misfortune to the house. It’s one thing when creative compositions are made from dry bouquets, and it’s another when flowers have been in the living room for more than a week. Check the plant vases and throw them away at the first sign of drying. Also, do not forget to water your indoor plants in a timely manner.

dried flowers

15. Remove the ironing board and iron immediately after the use 

Accidentally abandoned household appliances and equipment negatively affect the appearance of the living room. After ironing, put the iron and board back in place, and the ironed items in the closet. The habit will save time and energy.


16. Put small items in boxes or coffee table 

Items such as chargers, remote control, and books should be put back in place after use. This is the main habit of a practical and orderly hostess/host. For technical details, you can purchase a convenient box, and for books – shelves or shelves. Keep the remote control near the TV or in one place.

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17. Take children’s toys to the bedroom or place them in a box 

If children live in the house, then they should be taught to order. Don’t let your child throw toys all over the apartment. Find a separate place for them or buy a special basket. Remember to teach your child to clean up after themselves toys.

children's toys sorting

Keeping Your Bathroom Clean

18. Remove detergents and paraphernalia for cleaning from the field of view  

The exposed rags, sponges, and chemicals will not decorate the design of the bath. It is best to identify such things in a special place in the locker or take them to another place. Household tools and detergents should not be visible.

removing detergents

19. Place your hair tools in a separate drawer

Hair dryer, iron and curler should not remain plugged in sockets or on the sink. After each use, put these attributes in a drawer or hang on a hook. Don’t forget to clean up your hairbrushes too. Special storage organizers can be purchased for such accessories.

Read also: Effective Kitchen Cleaning Checklist – Daily, Weekly, and Monthly

20. Don’t accumulate empty packaging 

Items such as empty toilet paper rolls, nearly empty shampoos, and toothpaste boxes should be thrown away immediately. Do not accumulate them. Get in the habit of throwing out old packages and boxes right away.

21. Do your laundry every day 

Do not accumulate large amounts of dirty laundry. Try to run your washing machine every day.


Bedroom Cleaning

The bedroom has a special atmosphere, this room is considered a hidden place. Despite this, it requires order and structure.

22. Tidy up your bed every day 

There is very little time in the morning, but there is enough time to make the bed. This is very important since a made bed immediately makes the room cozy and frees a person from frequent linen changes.

bed tidying up

23. Put makeup in drawers or dresser 

Mascara, foundation, and powder should not be stored in the bedroom on random exposed surfaces. Firstly, it harms the atmosphere in the room, and secondly, it adds clutter.

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24. Store jewelry in a jewelry box 

It is better to store necklaces, rings, and earrings in a box, in a drawer of a nightstand. Don’t leave jewelry on a dresser or bedside table. By storing jewelry in a box, you can get rid of unnecessary mess and quickly find the rings and earrings you need in the morning.

jewelry box

25. Hang your clothes in the closet

Don’t throw your T-shirt or trousers on a chair or bed. Take the time to put your clothes in a closet or basket for dirty laundry. Thanks to this habit, the bedroom will not be cluttered with a mountain of things, and you will spend less time cleaning.

Most importantly, don’t put off light cleaning until better times. By following the habits we have listed, you will maintain regular order by keeping your Manhattan apartment clean.

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